
Me pre-clean eating (left)

Hi!  My name is D’Anna and I am a skinny girl in fat Genes!  I choose everyday to be thin.  My weight is not a product of being blessed with amazing skinny genes, but quite the contrary.  I come from a long line of fat genes.  I, however, have come to realize that I can defy my DNA.  Just because my DNA consists of fat genes, I don’t have to fall down and succumb to its predisposition.

What I have realized after many years of watching many people I love struggle with their weight, is that being overweight has more to do with unresolved emotional baggage that is holding us captive,  and less to do with food.  FOOD is one of the most over abused Legal DRUGS in this country!  Guess what my friends, I am an addict too!  Everyday, every meal, I have to make a conscious decision to eat healthy.  It is a constant, lifelong battle, but that is ok.  You cannot change that which you do not acknowledge.  So, I acknowledge that I am prone to using food at times when I need to feel better about something that is troubling me.  This is a precedent for many in my family.  This combined with the fact that we have a lineage of fat genes, creates a little bit of an obstacle.  I feel no despair anymore because I have learned that I am in control of my weight, and I rule it, not vice versa!

I love the Book, The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno.  In her book she states that your figure is determined by this- 10% DNA, 10% exercise and 80% diet and nutrition.  When I read this, I was happier than a sweet tooth in a bowl of jelly beans!  One, I really do not like to exercies, but I do it because it has become a necessity for me feeling good.  Also, my DNA is not in my favor.  So, whohooo!  I was really happy, but skeptical at first.  I can tell you now that I believe what she said 100%.  I was able to drop 15 lbs. using her principals and felt like a new person inside and out.  Now, for any of you out there that are using DNA as an excuse for being overweight, I am calling you out-:))!  That is no longer an excuse.  I hope my blog will give you a new found hope and freedom.  Hope is a wonderfully, glorious burden-isn’t it.  I am promising you, however, that this is not misguided hope.  You can realize your dream of being healthy and feeling good.  You can kick those fat genes to the curb and say hello skinny Jeans!

Bye, bye fat Genes...hello skinny Jeans!

This blog is very personal to me.  I am a firm believer in taking all the bad things that have happened in life and using it to help someone else-even if only one person.  If we do not use our unfortunate circumstances in this life to help someone else, then all the suffering was wasted, and our pain will never be resurrected to brighten the life of someone else.  Have you ever shared an awful experience you went through with a friend?  Were you really surprised to find out that they went through a similar  experience?  It is amazing to me when I share things with people, sometimes heavy things, how many people went through something very familiar.  My most favorite quote from the Book, Streams in the Desert, is: “God does not comfort us just so that we may be comforted, but so that we may be comforters.”  I love that quote, and it says to me that we have a duty to take that which has brought us ill and use all our knowledge, power and wisdom that we have gained from the experience to guide someone else who has meet the same or similar fate.  Think about it, isn’t it great when someone does that for you?  How comforting is it when you have a child with an illness to be able to talk to another parent who has walked in your shoes?  I found it very comforting when I was traveling that road.

So, now is the day, the hour, the minute and the perfect time for you to commit to being a healthier you.  If for no other reason, do it for your family-I hope you will do it for yourself too.  You are worthy and your family deserves to have you around for a long time!  Now, lets kick those FAT GENES in the seat of the pants, and  get healthy!

I hope you will follow along this journey with me.  I am not here to promote a diet, but a lifestyle.  I have learned many helpful tips and lessons on my quest to be healthy.  I am not endorsing any particular food plans, however, I will mention ones I like from time to time.  I believe in finding what is right for you and what gets you the results you want.  Sometimes finding what works takes a little searching and experimenting.  I have found that combining what I like about different food plans into my own unique plan affords me variety, eliminates boredom,  and keeps disciplined.  One final note, don’t think this girl is all work and no play.  I love my cheeseburgers, fries and desserts as much as the rest of you.  I am here to tell you that is ok!  Everyone needs to have some cheat days every now and then or life would be no fun!  That being said, I always have to remember I am one cookie shy of a meltdown.  It is so important to have self control.  By that I mean it is ok to let yourself fall down every now and then, just get up fairly quickly!-:)

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Laney June 27, 2011 at 2:31 am

I love this!!! Can’t wait for tomorrows post


Laura Nastoupil July 31, 2011 at 6:44 pm

thanks for the snack tips…I am always wanting new things to try. Get tired of the same ole things!


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